// Arriving at Hoptus Major // Bonus track by EWR 9.2.98 & psm 98.09.18 // Initial Phase messages > // Execute Phase // Execute Phase messages //end of branch with team but no supplies... > //branch with no personnel transport... > > > > > // Closing Phase messages Set course for starbase.> > //Command Event Overlays // unrecoverable failures // Shields Malfunction Responses // But if Phasers arent ready... --psm 98/09/30 // HQ Dialog Boxes____________________________________ // ENVIRONMENT OVERLAY DATA // Scan Result Overlay // replace #nothing with appropriate symbol for the scan type // long range scan // freq (RF) scan // Particle Spectrometry // Gravimetric Scan // Proton Spec Scan // Life Form Scan // Sub-Space Scan // Optical Scan // Graviton Flux Scan // Gamma Radiation Scan // InfraRed Scan // Particle Map Scan //end